# Recruitment Overview

This document provides a overview of why and how we do recruitment at UBC Launch Pad. Our interview processes are documented in the Leads repository.


This page is a work in progress!

# Goals

# Technical Roles

When recruiting for techncial roles, we aim to categorize applicants into the following categories:

  • Beginner: 1st or 2nd year student OR course project OR simple project (hackathon) OR tutorial project
  • Independent: Completed 1 internship OR a non-course "advanced project"
    • An advanced project meets the following criteria:
      • long-term (for example, at least 1 month between the first to most recent commit)
      • is non-trivial and the product of tangible effort (up to judgement)
      • demonstrable use programming paradigms (even as simple as loops)
  • Experienced: (2 internships OR outstanding project) AND nails technical question AND interest in mentorship

To provide support to our less experienced members and ensure a productive environment for everyone, when recruiting we aim to have:

  • around 40% of members be "beginners".
  • at least 20% of members (including leads) be "experienced".